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Date of Meeting: August 13th, 2018​​​​    ​           Meeting Number: 491


DECISION #2-  In light of the current US-led international initiatives aiming to disrupt the peace, security and stability of our country, the University Senate has decided to make the following public announcement.

“This is a Dokuz Eylül University Senate response towards the US-led international initiatives aiming to disrupt the peace, security and stability of our country:

As one of the world’s leading economic power, Turkey has achieved political stability, successfully unified the people and the government, pioneered international peace and has been a defender of the oppressed and victimized. From Syria to Somali, Haiti to Ecuador, the Balkans to Central Asia, our government has sincerely extended its aid to many parts of the world. Additionally, with its presence in NATO, our government has been at the forefront of efforts combating against malicious forces. This has led to Turkey successfully rising as a regional actor, as well as a growing global power. However, Turkey’s position as an influential and powerful country has recently caused certain circles to become distressed.

Attempting to intimidate our country- which gathers its strength from the honorable and determined stance of its people- with games, threats and so-called economic sanctions is an extremely dangerous and hostile behavior. The malicious initiatives targeting the peace, security and stability in a country governed by the will of its people and under the leadership of Turkey’s first elected President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has deeply disturbed us [The Dokuz Eylül University Senate].

Turkey is a democratic, social law state. Crafting new laws under an independent and unfettered governance approach, and only ruled by the general will of its people, our country applies every decision with its own conscientious moral conviction. Our government evaluates each judicial and administrative decision within the rule of law and under the principle of independence; it does not tolerate any interference from outside pressures.

The history of our people is filled with countless examples of such ill-advised attempts. Regretfully, we are faced with another attempt; the statements and manipulations of the US President Donald Trump, disguised as an opposition toward the criminal case of an alleged religious leader.

As a representative of the people of the United States, and someone who should be conducting their duty adhering to the principles of international law and humanitarian responsibilities, the demonstrated hostile actions are found to be lacking from the realities of life and international diplomatic relations.

For centuries, our people have embraced individuals of every religion and considered their ethnic and religious differences as a contribution towards their own wealth. Despite this, the protection of the chief master of the July 15th coup attempt in Turkey – the head of the FETO terror organization – has become the sworn duty of the current US administration. This stance of the US does not comply with the friendship and alliance between our countries.

We do commit to expose the truth with the aid of our universal scientific understanding and our national and patriotic stance. Therefore, we can state that; currency speculations or direct and indirect sanctions which targeting our country will not be accepted, nor be permitted to work. Any attempts to unfairly damage or annihilate nations are ultimately condemned to fail. History repeats itself. In order to recall similar efforts of the US, one only needs to look back at the Vietnam war and the actions taken to destroy a nation.

With so-called economic reasons, those hoping to establish a regime of oppression and fictive operations via economic pressures on Turkey are doomed to fail. By positioning the USA into the center of the Earth and proceed such attempts like; to start an economic war, to conduct a perception operation, to dishonored the presence of other countries, and to disturb our people and the financial integrity of the markets will never be deemed to acceptable. Every part of our society – whether it’s from the industrialist to the merchants or from the students to the academics – has the same strength, belief and integrity to fend off such aggressive actions.

Just as we have seen in Çanakkale, Kocatepe, Cyprus, Syria and 15th of July, these attempts at intimidation will remain ineffective at the economic front. We will never stop articulating the voice and conscience of our people. As the senate of Dokuz Eylül University we will always support our glorious nation, our enduring government and our elected national will.

We declare this information to the public with respect,

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